We will have 2 Co-op plant sales for the convenience of our members. These are not fundraisers, but rather ways to get a bulk price discount.
Geo Seed - Is a seed company that sells a variety of plant and flower seeds. The catalog is designed for flower growers and is not as pretty as other seed companies. The plants are listed by Latin name, so some research may be needed. The seeds come with basic information, so you may need to look up growing information. An order will be placed at the end of October. If you are interested in ordering please and are not on facebook, please contact us at our email.
Cut Flowers Plugs - a plant plug is a small plant that is ready to be hardened off and planted. We order our plants from an Amish Farmer in the fall and pick them up in the Spring. The order will be placed in the late fall and payment is not due until the plant pick-up in case of crop failure. Look here for the catalog soon. Note: We checked that we are not indirectly supporting a puppy mill.